Employees conduct courses:

  1. Chemistry
  2. Geology
  3. Field exercises in geotechnics and geology
  4. Soil mechanics
  5. Foundation
  6. Geodesy
  7. Geodesy field exercises 
  8. Land Management 
  9. Geoengineering 
  10. Diploma Seminar 
  11. Documentation in the investment process 
  12. Road surface construction 
  13. Special foundations 
  14. Modern technologies in geotechnics and foundations 
  15. Construction chemistry 
  16. Disposal and recycling of building materials 
  17. Modern measurement techniques 
  18. SIT and base maps


I. Situational measurements.

  1. Measurement of the situation using the polar method (tachymetry).
  2. Development of a numerical map for design purposes.

 II. Height measurement of the terrain.

  1. Technical leveling of geodetic control points 
  2. Height measurement of terrain using the tachymetric method.
  3. Office processing of measurement results.

 III. Topics from engineering measurements

  1. Preparation of data for the staking out of structures, staking out of structures and ground zero in the field.
  2. Determining the dimensions of an inaccessible object.
  3. Analysis of horizontal surface flatness.
On the first day, students will receive instruction in the BP rules and regulations regarding geodetic and cartographic works and accompanying activities.

Field exercises in geotechnics and geology EXERCISE PROGRAM 

Field exercises in geology enable the acquisition of competences in the area of ​​regional geological structure analysis,
with particular emphasis on research areas, as well as the ability to apply  
selected issues of mineralogy,
petrography and engineering geology for  
the needs of construction and road engineering.
Field exercises in geotechnics enable the acquisition of skills in the assessment of  building subsoil, including:
• analysis of geotechnical conditions,
• isolation of geotechnical layers,
• determination of the type of soils that make up the building subsoil,
• qualitative and quantitative assessment of basic physical properties and  geotechnical parameters of soils.
Design exercises are divided into field, laboratory  and chamber work.
At each stage, students work in groups, using  equipment issued to them or available in the laboratory,
referring to  
the comments and instructions of the instructors.
Field work includes:
• marking the boundaries of the research area,
• selecting research points,
• leveling the area,
• drilling 5 research points with a depth of  approx. 5.0 m, together with macroscopic analysis
and taking NW and NU samples for laboratory tests, 
• making a research excavation and taking NNS samples, testing  the strength of the soil at the bottom of the excavation in situ using a rotary probe,
• marking the depth of the groundwater table,
• performing dynamic probing
Laboratory tests include:
• determining the natural humidity of the isolated geotechnical layers
• determining the liquidity and plasticity limits of selected cohesive soils
• performing oedometric and strength tests using  a direct shear apparatus for isolated
geotechnical  layers
• testing the sink rate in the case of  macroporous soils.
The in-depth work includes:
• analysis and description of geological issues in relation to the research area,
• preparation of a map of the research area together with the location of research points,
• preparation of ready-made borehole cards,
• preparation of geotechnical cross-sections of the subsoil,
• preparation of laboratory test results together with a list of  geotechnical parameters and physical properties of the isolated
• description of geotechnical conditions occurring in the subsoil at  the location of field exercises, with particular emphasis on
presentation of the division of the subsoil into geotechnical layers, description of  the separated layers and description of the water conditions occurring
in the subsoil,
• assumption of simple, complex and  complicated conditions in the subsoil and proposing a geotechnical category for
the assumed type of structure


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17