
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology is actively involved in the development of the Lublin region through cooperation with producers, distributors and other institutions of the region. The help we can offer you is knowledge, experience and scientific and technical background to solve problems in the field of construction, road engineering, geodesy, conservation of monuments, architecture and many others.

Thanks to specialist scientific staff with appropriate qualifications, we offer expert opinions, technical opinions, designs and construction advice. We have a wide range of modern equipment, e.g. an optical system for measuring deformations and displacements, equipment for fatigue testing and many others.

Thanks to the "Development of Eastern Poland" project, the laboratory base has become one of the most modern in the country and Europe.

We cordially invite you to cooperation.

People who want to solve problems in the field of:

  • conducting laboratory tests,
  • preparation of expert opinions,
  • conservation of historic buildings,
  • execution of projects,
  • development of technology

please familiarize yourself with the range of possibilities provided in the further part of this document.

Please direct your questions and orders to:

  • or tel. +48 501-853-296
  • or +48 81 538-4650
  • or Laboratory of Civil Engineering, st. Nadbystrzycka 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland - (Contact Info tab).

Employees of the Lublin University of Technology who want to use the research facilities of the laboratory to:

  • carrying out scientific and research works,
  • research related to raising the scientific degree,
  • implementation of engineering works,
  • conducting master's theses

are asked to pre-fill the relevant applications in the "Downloads" tab of polish section of website, together with the signatures of the persons responsible for financing the activities. Completed applications should be delivered to room B04 (tel. +48 501-853-296 or +48 81 538-4650) or to the head of the research laboratory responsible for the scope of work.

Laboratory tests

The laboratory conducts standard tests of products:

1. Cement:

  • chemical analysis (reaction, chlorides, oxides: calcium, magnesium, iron),
  • texture test,
  • volume constancy test,
  • determination of setting times,
  • compressive strength test,
  • bending strength test.

2. Aggregate

  • sampling
  • determination of grain composition,
  • determination of the content of mineral dusts,
  • determination of the content of organic impurities,
  • determination of the content of foreign impurities,
  • determination of water absorption,
  • marking of frost resistance,
  • determination of crushing strength.

3. Concrete

  • taking samples for testing,
  • chemical analysis (reaction, chlorides, oxides: calcium, magnesium, iron),
  • compressive strength test,
  • water resistance marking,
  • determination of water absorption,
  • marking of frost resistance,
  • determination of bulk density,
  • testing the consistency of the mixture,
  • testing the air content in the mixture.

4. Road surfaces

  • elastic stiffness modulus test,
  • testing of permanent deformation of mineral-asphalt mixtures.

5. Chemical research

  • cement,
  • concrete,
  • mortar,
  • mixing water,
  • parameters of drinking water,
  • alcohols,
  • combustion gases,
  • boiler scale.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17