PhD DSc Eng. Magdalena Grudzińska, associate professor


room 517
phone no. 81 538 4448


Google Scholar


Field: Engineering and Technical Sciences, discipline: Civil Engineering and Transport.

The main subject of scientific works are issues related to energy-saving and ecological construction and building physics. Of particular interest are the possibilities of reducing energy demand in residential buildings by using solar radiation energy (passive greenhouse systems) and shaping building partitions in a way that minimizes the formation of thermal bridges, as well as modeling heat flow using dynamic computer simulations.



  • „General Construction”, first-cycle studies – design classes and lectures.
  • „Energy-saving Construction”, first- and second-cycle studies – design classes and lectures.
  • „ Selected issues of energy-saving construction”, second-cycle studies – design classes and lectures.
  • „ Selected issues in building physics”, second-cycle studies – laboratory.

  • From 01/10/2008 to 31/09/2012 – lecturer at the postgraduate studies "Energy Audit for Thermomodernisation" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology.
  • From 26/10/2013 to 31/12/2014 - lecturer at the postgraduate studies "Construction for Architects and Installers" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology.
  • Supervision of about 20 master's and diploma theses and over 50 bachelor’s theses in the field of general construction, energy-saving construction and building physics.


  • Award of the Rector of the Lublin University of Technology (2nd degree) for achievements in scientific work – 01/10/2005
  • Distinction of the President of the Foundation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Branch in Lublin, for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of applications of physics and chemistry in technology, agriculture and medicine – 18/05/2006
  • Award of the Rector of the Lublin University of Technology (3rd degree team award) for achievements in organizational work – 01/10/2006, 29/08/2008
  • Diploma of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs for work for the LLP-Erasmus program - 01/10/2015
  • "Medal of the Commission of National Education" for special merits for education and upbringing - 19/07/2017
  • Diploma of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs for involvement in the internationalization of the education process at the Lublin University of Technology - 13/10/2017


  • associate professor - Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture - 2022
  • PhD with habilitation, Eng. – Łódź University of Technology; Faculty of Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
    field - engineering and technical sciences, discipline - civil engineering and transport - 2022
  • PhD Eng. – Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering - 2004
    field - technical sciences, discipline – civil engineering
  • MSc Eng. – Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering - 1996
    field - technical sciences, discipline – civil engineering, speciality - building and engineering structures


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17