The Laboratory of Civil Engineering
The Laboratory of Civil Engineering is an independent, general-faculty organizational unit of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology with nearly thirty years of tradition. It has been operating in its current organizational form since 2003, i.e. since the establishment of the Laboratory of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology by order of the Rector of October 10, 2003. Currently, the Laboratory employs 13 employees.

The scope of the Laboratory's activities includes:
- conducting research works related to the scientific development of employees of the Faculty and Lublin University of Technology,
- internal research leading to obtaining academic degrees by WBiA employees (implementation of doctoral and habilitation theses);
- supporting the didactic process of full-time and part-time studies (handling laboratory exercises, carrying out diploma theses, developing students' interests);
- commercial research activity addressed to everyone to whom we can serve with our equipment base and experience.
In June 2017, the Polish Centre for Accreditation granted accreditation to the Laboratory of Civil Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology. The accreditation was confirmed by the Accreditation Certificate of the Testing Laboratory No. AB 1650 of June 20, 2017. The accreditation means that the Laboratory of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Lublin University of Technology has competences in accordance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018-02 standard "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories", which is the equivalent of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017E. The accreditation of laboratories serves to build and strengthen confidence in the results of tests, calibrations and inspections of certified products and services, qualifications of certified persons and certified management systems.

For people using the services of the Laboratory of Civil Engineering, accreditation means:
- obtaining reliable and precise test results,
- providing reliable information on the basis of which key decisions can be made,
- high staff competence.
The Laboratory of Civil Engineering has the following accredited testing procedures:
- Static tensile test of metals at ambient temperature in accordance with standard PN-EN 6892-1:2020-05 Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (method B).
- Determination of chloride content in hardened concrete in accordance with PN-EN 14629:2008 (Volhard method) standard.
- Determination of the specific surface area of solids by gas adsorption — BET method in accordance with ISO 9277:2010 standard.
- Testing fresh concrete - Part 1: Sampling and common apparatus in accordance with PN-EN 12350-1:2019-07 standard.
- Testing fresh concrete - Part 2: Slump test in accordance with PN-EN 12350-2:2019-07 standard.
- Testing hardened concrete - Compressive strength of test specimens in accordance with PN-EN 12390-3:2019-07 standard.
- Testing hardened concrete - Tensile splitting strength of test specimens in accordance with PN-EN 12390-6:2011 standard.
- Testing hardened concrete - Water absorption in accordance with the PN-88/B-06250 standard.
- Testing hardened concrete - Density of hardened concrete in accordance with PN-EN 12390-7:2019-08/AC:2021-01 standard.
- Taking core specimens - Testing concrete in structures - Part 1. Core specimens - Taking, axamining and testing compression in accordance with PN-EN 12504-1:2019-08 standard.
- Compressive strength of concrete - Testing concrete in structures - Part 1. Core specimens - Taking, axamining and testing compression in accordance with PN-EN 12504-1:2019-08 standard.
Detailed information on the scope of accreditation can be obtained on the website of the Polish Centre for Accreditation:

- e-mail:;
- mobile: +48 501-853-296;
- landline: +48 81 538-4650.
The Laboratory of Civil Engineering includes the following specialist laboratories:
- Geodesy Laboratory,
- Geotechnics Laboratory,
- Solid State Mechanics Laboratory,
- Building Physics Laboratory,
- Laboratory of Chemistry and Phase Analysis,
- Sanitary Installations Laboratory,
- Building Structures Laboratory,
- Laboratory of Building Materials with Concrete Technology,
- Laboratory of Renovation and Conservation of Monuments,
- Field Research Laboratory,
- Road Laboratory.