Marcin Kneć, dr
Kierownik pracowni Mechaniki Ciała Stałego. Pracownia Materiałów Budowlanych z Technologią Betonów
pokój A-15
tel. +48 81 538-4396
adres e-mail:
1. Preparation and Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of Composites Based on Epoxy Resin with Kaolinite and Clinoptilolite, A. Puszka, M. Kneć, W. Franus and B. Podkościelna, Polymers, 2023, vol. 15, nr 8, s. 1-20
2. The effect of thermal aging degradation of CFRP composite on its mechanical properties using destructive and non-destructive methods and the DIC system, P. Golewski, T. Sadowski, M. Kneć, M. Budka, Polymer Testing, 2023, vol. 118, s. 1-12
1. Łusiak T., Kneć M., Use of ARAMIS for fatigue process control in the accelerated test for composites, Transportation Research Procedia, 2018, vol. 35, s. 250-258
1.Kneć M., Golewski P., Uchwyt do mocowania próbek do dwuosiowego rozciągania na maszynach jednoosiowych [Patent nr (11) 225039 (21) 405903], Wiadomości Urzędu Patentowego, 2017, 2, s. 244-244
2. Golewski P., Kneć M., Uchwyt do rozciągania cylindrycznych próbek [Patent nr (11) 225801 (21) 405900], Wiadomości Urzędu Patentowego, 2017, 5, s. 1218-1218
Sadowski T., Kneć M., New method of determination of spot welding-adhesive joint fatigue life using full field strain evolution, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, vol. 123, s. 1-7
1. Golewski P., Kneć M., Uchwyt do mocowania próbek do dwuosiowego rozciągania na maszynach jednoosiowych. Zgłoszenie nr (21) 405903. Biuletyn Urzędu Patentowego - 2015, vol. 43, 10, s. 11-11
2. Golewski P., Kneć M., Uchwyt do rozciągania cylindrycznych próbek. Zgłoszenie nr (21) 405900. Biuletyn Urzędu Patentowego - 2015, vol. 43, 10, s. 39-40
1. Kneć M., Sadowski T., D'Orazio M., Graziani L., Lenci S., Measurement of R-curve in clay brick blocks using optical measuring technique. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2014, vol. 121, s. 1-10
2. Sadowski T., Golewski P., Kneć M., Experimental investigation and numerical modelling of spot welding-adhesive joints response. Composite Structures, 2014, vol. 112, s. 66-77
3. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Golewski P., Fatigue response of the hybrid joints obtained by hot spot welding and bonding techniques. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, vol. 601, s. 25-28
4. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Golewski P., Spot welding-adhesive joints: modelling and testing. Journal Of Adhesion, 2014, nr 4, vol. 90, s. 364-364
5. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Linul E., Marsavina L., Voiconi T., Determination of flexural properties of rigid PUR foams using digital image correlation. Solid State Phenomena, 2014, vol. 216, s. 116-121
1. Sadowski T., Balawender T., Śliwa R., Golewski P., Kneć M., Modern hybrid joints in aerospace: modelling and testing. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, nr 1, vol. 58, s. 163-169
2. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Application of DIC technique for monitoring of deformation process of SPR hybrid joint. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, nr 1, vol. 58, s. 119-125
3. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Marsavina L., Crack propagation paths in four point bend Aluminium-PMMA specimens. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, vol. 108, s. 139-151
1. Kneć M., Sadowski T., Influence of aluminum alloy surface treatments and curing temperature for bonding strength and strain concentration. SOLMECH, Warszawa 27-31.08.2012
2. Lacki P., Adamus J., Sadowski T., Wojsyk K., Kneć M., Experimental and numerical analysis of the tensile test of aluminium welded Samales. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), J. Eberhardsteiner (eds.)Vienna, Austria, September 10-14, 2012
3. Linul, E., Marşavina L., Sadowski T., Kneć M., Size effect on fracture toughness of rigid polyurethane foams. Solid State Phenomena, 2012, 188, 205-210
4. Marsavina L., Linul E., Sadowski T., Kneć M., On fracture toughness of polyuretane foam, 19th European Conference on Fracture, Kazan, Russia, 26 - 31 August, 2012, CD-ROM – praca nr 441
5. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Experimental study of bimaterial shear strength and strain concentrations by iosipescu based test using digital image correlation system. Solid State Phenomena, 2012, 188, 226-231
6. Sadowski T., Marsavina L., Craciun E., Kneć M., Modelling and experimental study of parallel cracks propagation in an orthotropic elastic material. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 52(1), 231-235
2011 i wcześniej
1. Balawender T., Sadowski T., Kneć M., Technological problems and experimental investigation of hybrid: Clinched - adhesively bonded joint. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2011, 56(2), 439-446.
2. Marsavina L., Sadowski T., Kneć M., Crack propagation paths near bi-material interfaces 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, 2009, ICF-12 5 , pp. 3767-3775.
3. Marsavina L., Sadowski T., Kneć M., Negru R., Non-linear behaviour of foams under static and impact three point bending. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2010, 45(10), 969-975.
4. Sadowski T., Kneć M., Golewski P., Experimental investigations and numerical modelling of steel adhesive joints reinforced by rivets. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2010, 30(5), 338-346.
Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki Lubelskiej" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17